Call For Ext. Abstracts
There are three types of Ext. Abstracts (Extended Abstracts) which can be submitted to the Congress:
a) Oral, b) Poster, and c) Distant.
Only Ext. Abstracts are needed for all contributions which will be presented during the Congress. They should be submitted according to the strict guidelines presented in the template available in the “Submissions” section of the website.
For the distant papers, the authors are obliged to send their presentation in a video after the acceptance of their Ext. Abstract.
All the Ext. Abstracts from all categories will be included in the Proceedings of the Congress and will be available to the participants during the Congress.
All the Ext. Abstracts will be assessed for possible invitation to be extended and improved so as to be published as full articles in the journals of EWRA (with the consent of the authors). This process will take place after the Congress.
Distant Ext. Abstracts
Distant Ext. Abstracts may be submitted by scientists/engineers from all countries of the world excluding EU countries.
Distant contributions will be presented without the presence of the authors, in a specially designed “virtual” conference. The presentation of the contributions will be done by videos prepared by the authors and submitted after the final acceptance of their Ext. Abstract. Videos of 5-6 minutes containing no more than 10 transparencies are required for each presentation. The concept behind the “distant paper” submission is to give the opportunity to a wider audience of people from distant countries to participate in this benchmark event avoiding the burden of costly travelling.
The Ext. Abstracts of the Distant papers may be submitted in all topics/conferences of the Congress. They will be treated as all the other Ext. Abstracts submitted for presentation in the Congress.
The language of the Congress (presentations and discussions) will be English. No translation to any other language will be available.
The Congress will be organised in a number of specialised Conferences around the following topics:
- Global Change and Water Resources
- Hydrological Processes
- Ecosystems and Environmental Processes
- Hydroclimatic Extremes and Water Resources Management
- Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing and Water Resources
- Water Policy and Socioeconomic Issues
- Urban Water Management
- Agricultural Water Management
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- Groundwater Hydrology, Contamination and Management
- Water Quality and Water Treatment